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We Don't Make Miracles.

We Only Make Them Happen.

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Low-income Canadians


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Our Press Releases

The Cowichan Farm & Food Hub is an exciting project that makes the news from time to time. Read about it here!


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Island Coastal Economic Trust – Thursday, August 6, 2015.

COURTENAY – Farmers are getting older, and the number of new food producers is declining region-wide. A new program in the Cowichan Valley is aiming to reverse that trend by teaching new farm entrepreneurs the ins and outs of this demanding but rewarding business.

BC Food Security Gateway – July 6, 2016.

The Cowichan Valley is home to the Cowichan Incubator Seed Farm (CISF), a new initiative and the first incubator farm to focus on training new seed farmers.

Foster Richardson spent three years farming in the Comox Valley before moving down Vancouver Island to the Cowichan Valley to work as the coordinator with the new farm, a project of Cowichan Green Community.

Business Examiner.

Canada’s first teaching incubator seed farm is coming to Duncan through the Cowichan Green Community Society, thanks to a job creation partnership project funded by the provincial government.

The Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation is providing nearly $70,000 to the society to fund the project, which sees four people gaining work experience under a project supervisor to build the farm and be involved in the planning, maintenance and promotion stages of the project. It will give them valuable employment skills to take with them in their search for full-time jobs after the 33-week project is complete.

Province of British Columbia –  July 27, 2016.

Canada’s first teaching incubator seed farm is coming to Duncan through the Cowichan Green Community Society, thanks to a Job Creation Partnership project funded by the provincial government.

The Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation is providing nearly $70,000 to the society to fund the project, which sees four people gaining work experience under a project supervisor to build the farm and be involved in the planning, maintenance, and promotion stages of the project. It will give them valuable employment skills to take with them in their search for full-time jobs after the 33-week project is complete.


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